Enjoy the Sun and Healthier Skin with Isagenix

May 22nd, 2012 | Posted by Arlene Wisser in Isagenix Health Post

Published May21, 2012: In honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month, pay mind to your health by maintaining your skin. With more than two million Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every year, and numbers on the rise in youth, now is not the time to feel the burn. Seeking shade and wearing wide-brimmed hats and protective clothing are the first lines of defense against a scorching summer.

Welcoming the summer sun is no small feat; along with the warmer weather comes beach vacations, bikinis and an elevated pressure to get in shape. Beyond just the body, the skin must get ready to make some waves too. Fortunately, the summer sunshine doesn’t have to take a toll on your complexion.

Diving into skin protection early may keep elasticity and ensure your skin is always looking radiant. Along with protective sunscreen, diet can be a pre-emptive measure to promote your skin’s elastic tone and offset ultraviolet (UV) exposure. In line with the current research and in celebration of this month of May, here are five Isagenix do’s to avoid summer-skin don’ts:

1. Slather on the IsaSunguard: SPF 30, a broad-spectrum sunscreen based on natural minerals

Nothing beats sunscreen for protecting skin against the sun. High exposure to UV radiation, without protection, can result in increased oxidative stress, DNA damage, and higher levels of inflammation. But buyer-beware, not all sunscreens on the shelf are created equal. A sunscreen may not protect against both UVB and UVA rays; and a high SPF (sun protective factor) does not necessarily mean that you get a huge increase in protection. For example, jumping from SPF 30 to SPF 50, lends approximately 1 percent of additional protection. Also, with a higher SPF rating, you may be exposed to considerably more chemical UV absorbers (SPF ratings only guard against UVB radiation, not UVA) and synthetic hydrocarbons that when broken down, could easily penetrate the skin to produce potentially harmful endocrine-disrupting activity. The estrogen-mimetic oxybenzone can be found in more than half of all beach and sport sunscreens currently on the market. Rest assured IsaSunguard offers  protection from natural minerals (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide), leaving the concerns for chemical toxicity behind.

Sadly, only one in four sunscreens are approved by the Environmental Working Group (EWG)—a non-profit organization dedicated to providing valuable information for the sake of public health and the environment—for safety and complete broad-spectrum protection. According to EWG, mineral-based sunscreens are the top choice for sun and consumer protection. The EWG’s latest report (1) touts mineral-based sunscreens, specifically those containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, as the best consumer choices because they remain stable in sunlight without the threat of dangerously seeping into the skin, and still offer protection from the deepest-penetrating UVA rays—something sorely lacking in most available sunscreens.

2. Enjoy IsaDelight Plus Chocolates for polyphenols from cocoa and green tea

It’s long been known that skin health depends on both exogenous (external; i.e. sunscreen) and endogenous (internal; i.e. nutrition) factors. Ignoring one, or both, of these factors can lead to dehydrated skin—causing flakiness, scaling, wrinkles, and excessive roughness. To counter this, antioxidants such as the polyphenols found in chocolate and green tea can boost skin quality and provide some antioxidant protection from UV rays.

British researchers conducting a randomized, controlled study found that daily ingestion of 20 grams (one IsaDelight Plus is 11.4 grams) of a chocolate high in polyphenols—the darker the better—led to better protection from UV rays by decreasing sunburn risk and potentially protecting the skin from aging prematurely (2). Additionally, German researchers found that after just 12 weeks of women ingesting green tea polyphenols, including epigallocatechin (EGCG), protection from UV rays was increased and there was an improvement in skin density, appearance, and hydration (3).  

3. Get more protection from fruits and vegetables with IsaFruits and Isagenix Greens

Youthful skin is not just about protection from the sun, but also protection from water loss, wrinkles, and toxic build up beneath the skin surface. The secret could be to improve microcirculation. With an active metabolism, skin cells thrive with adequate circulation due to ample access to oxygen and nutrients for cell growth and repair. It may be no surprise that this efficiency is higher in people who consume nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables.

Don’t feel too bad if you fail to fill up on whole fruits and vegetables all the time—a fruit- and vegetable-based concentrate may do the trick too. German researchers found that healthy men and women supplementing with a fruit and vegetable juice powder for three months, increased skin microcirculation improving the skin’s texture and structure when compared to a placebo (4).

4. Get fish oil from IsaOmega Supreme 

Fish oil may be the essential nutrient for every beach get-a-way. The long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are not just good for your heart, but they are great for your skin too. Research has deemed omega-3 fats as positively protective when it comes to sun radiation. Stimulating pathways that oppose UV-induced oxidative stress, long-chain fatty acids act against photoaging (5).

Photoaging is characterized by a degradation of collagen and elastin networks—the foundation our skin’s appearance. This leads to deep wrinkles, lessened elasticity, and uneven pigmentation. Ultraviolet rays do not cause these networks to spontaneously degrade, per se, but they do trigger the body’s metalloproteinases (proteins that remodel tissues), which causes the networks to slowly breakdown. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) dampen the activation of these sometimes constructive but often destructive agents, and battle against unsavory pigmentation and reduced elasticity seen in sun-ravaged skin.

5. Supplement the “sunshine vitamin” with Ageless Actives

It’s becoming painstakingly clear to physicians and researchers that most people are vitamin D deficient. Studies have found that many people’s health would benefit by supplementing with vitamin D—and yes, even in the summertime. This sunshine vitamin does not actually come from the sunshine, but is produced in the skin when exposed to UVB rays. The sun’s rays catalyze the reaction and spur the conversion of vitamin D from the skin to the active form used by the body.

To find the common, healthy ground between a bronzed tan, beautiful skin, and natural vitamin D sufficiency, it may be wise to dose up on oral vitamin D. Wearing sunscreen blocks nearly all natural conversion of vitamin D and research has found that casual sun exposure, even in the summer, is not sufficient for most people to achieve optimal blood levels (6).

Nevertheless, sunscreen is always important, especially in the summer months for keeping skin hydrated, stopping the burning sun beams, and fighting age-accelerating skin damage. When focusing on protecting your complexion, in the interest of skin, bone and muscle health—don’t forget to fill up on vitamin D.

Preparing for the summer heat goes beyond bikinis and gym memberships. In truth, the difference between a sun tan and a sun trauma may come down to both your habits in the sun and your diet. Take heed from the research (not to mention sunburns past) and “swim” through summer with optimal sun and skin protection from Isagenix.


  1. Environmental Working Group report: “Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths”.
  2. Williams S, Tamburic S, Lally C. Eating chocolate can significantly protect the skin from UV light. J Cosmet Dermatol 2009;8:169-73.
  3. Heinrich U et al. Green tea Polyphenols Provide Photoprotection, Increase Microcirculation, and Modulate Skin Properties of Women. J Nutr 2011; 141: 1202-8.
  4. De Spirt S et al. An Encapsulated Fruit and Vegetable Juice Concentrate Increases Skin  Microcirculation in Healthy Women. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2012; 25:2—8.
  5. Pilkington SM et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: photoprotective macronutrients. Experi Derma 2011; 20:537-543.
  6. Godar DE et al. Solar UV Doses of young Americans and  Vitamin D3 Production.Environ Health Perspect 2012; 120:139-143.

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Source: http://www.isagenixhealth.net/blog/2012/05/21/enjoy-the-sun-and-healthier-skin-with-isagenix/#more-4600

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