Dr. Ina’s Tips for Cleansing Like a Champion

September 9th, 2014 | Posted by Arlene Wisser in Get it from the Experts!
Dr. Ina Nozek  coaches cleansers on the IsaProduct Coaching Call.

Dr. Ina Nozek coaches cleansers on the IsaProduct Coaching Call.

Sept. 3, 2014: As host of the Isagenix IsaProduct Coaching Calls, clinical nutritionist Ina Nozek, DC, MS, has heard it all when it comes to Cleanse Day troubles. Product users call in for help managing Cleanse Day symptoms including everything from headaches and hunger to constipation and fatigue. With her background in nutritional cleansing and experience as a product user for many years, Dr. Ina has a wealth of knowledge about how to make cleansing an easy, even enjoyable, process.

Dr. Ina recently shared her cleansing tips at the Science Talks presentations at the 2014 Isagenix “Strength in Momentum” Celebration in San Diego on August 23. By following these suggestions, it’s possible to become a Cleanse Day champion and reap the many benefits of cleansing including detoxification support and fat loss.

Have a schedule. With busy schedules, it’s easy to go three, four, even five hours without consuming anything. Not having anything for long periods of time triggers hunger and fatigue—the top two Cleanse Day complaints. In most cases, the solution to fight hunger pangs and low energy levels is simple: follow a schedule. Dr. Ina recommends following the Cleanse Day Planner in the Isagenix 30-Day System Guide and being sure to consume something—such as Cleanse for Life®Isagenix SnacksTM, or an IsaDelight® Plus—every 2 hours on a Cleanse Day.

Cleanse together. Dr. Ina says that Cleanse Days can be intimidating, especially for first-time cleansers. Organizing a group cleanse can eliminate fear and provide support. Most importantly, it creates accountability and motivates cleansers to push through any challenges. In fact, studies have shown that involvement in a support group effectively influences results in a positive way (1). As experienced cleansers will agree, cleansing is like a skill—the more you do it, the easier it gets. By starting out with group cleanses, cleansers can gain confidence and get the support they need to reach their health goals.

Add variety to your Cleanse for Life. The Cleanse Day Planner recommends taking 4 ounces of Cleanse for Life four times throughout the day. While many people succeed by sticking to this plan, Dr. Ina promotes a Cleanse Day that fits the cleanser’s lifestyle. For example, if someone doesn’t have time to make their cleanse drink four times throughout the day, he or she can try making all four servings at once in a big pitcher or thermos and sip on it throughout the day. Another option is to divide each Cleanse for Life serving in half and drink it eight times throughout the day. Some cleansers find this helps manage hunger and cravings. People also enjoy drinking their cleanse as a warm, soothing tea or blending it up with ice for a snow cone-like treat. These small tweaks will not interfere with the efficacy of the product and can make Cleanse Days achievable and enjoyable.

Don’t overdo exercise. With weight loss in mind, it may be tempting to engage in vigorous exercise to boost fat burning. Exercising on low-calorie Cleanse Days, however, can do more harm than good. Because the body is not supplied with protein and carbohydrates in levels that support optimal post-exercise repair and recovery, exercising at a very high intensity can potentially bring unwanted consequences such as injuries or excessive soreness (2-4). Exercising intensely can also spur a feverish food binge, derailing weight-loss goals. Instead, Dr. Ina recommends doing an easy workout such as walking or gentle yoga.

Cleanse on days that work best for you. Is there a best day of the week to cleanse? It’s different for everyone, says Dr. Ina. For some, it may be difficult to stick to the plan on weekends because of social commitments, which usually involve tempting foods. Others, however, prefer the option to rest and relax making weekends ideal for cleansing. If being distracted and busy helps conquer a Cleanse Day, cleansing on a workday may be best. Dr. Ina praises the flexibility of the Isagenix system because it allows anyone to reach their health goals on their own terms. 

Treat yourself on a Cleanse Day. No, this doesn’t  mean indulging in a hot fudge sundae on a Cleanse Day, Dr. Ina says. It’s important for cleansers to reward themselves for committing and following through with Cleanse Days in ways that support, rather than spoil, all their hard work. A few ideas include getting a massage, buying a new pair of shoes, or taking time to watch a new movie.

By keeping Dr. Ina’s tips and tricks in mind, it’s possible for cleansers to conquer Cleanse Days with ease and support others who many experience similar roadblocks.


  1. Klytta C and Wilz G. Self-determined but with professional leadership: on the effectiveness and definition of self-help groups. Gesundheitswesen. 2007; 69(2): 88-97.
  2. Maughan RJ, Zerguini Y, Chalabi H, et al. Achieving optimum sports performance during Ramadan: some practical recommendations. J Sports Sci. 2012;30 Suppl 1:S109-17. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2012.696205
  3. Burke L. Fasting and recovery from exercise. Br J Sports Med. 2010 Jun;44(7):502-8. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.071472. Epub 2010 May 10.
  4. Chamari K, et al. Injury rates in professional soccer players during Ramadan. J Sports Sci. 2012;30 Suppl 1:S93-102. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2012.696674. Epub 2012 Jun 15.

Dr. Ina’s Tips for Cleansing Like a Champion

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