February 22, 2013:The winter issue of the “Live long. Live healthy.” newsletter is hot off the press! Check out our Winter 2013 issue online by clicking here (PDF format).
Remember, the newsletter serves to provide credible, informative articles that break down complex scientific studies and helps educate Isagenix Associates on the latest science behind Isagenix products. It is a great way to stay informed on the latest science and research and how it relates to Isagenix products.
In this winter issue of the newsletter, you will be introduced to the science behind one of our newest products, e+ Natural Energy Shot. You’ll get details on the pilot study that showed e+ works hand-in-hand with the goals of the Isagenix system, and learn how the adaptogenic formula in e+ can boost energy, focus, and alertness. You’ll also discover how caffeine can power you through a workout and optimize athletic performance. Last but not least, the Isagenix Energy Beverage Guide (near the end) will help you understand the differences between Ionix Supreme, e+, and Want More Energy? and explain how all three are important parts of your Isagenix game plan.
To read prior newsletters, simply mouse over the “Research & Science” tab at the top of this blog and click on “Newsletter”. Or, click here.
source: http://products.mercola.com/msm-sulfur-supplement/?e_cid=20130228_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130228